March 25, 2016
At a Standstill
After my last post, in which little to no progress was made, I am happy to report that little to some progress has been made! The root of all this un-productivity is the fact that my advisor has been out of town for the past two weeks, and I am more or less incapable of doing my project without the advice of my advisor. This is because I am not one with the ways of the computer so I really need help figuring things out. In addition, the programs I using to carry out my tests and tasks are in no way intuitive, so a teacher who knows the programs is necessary.
Some Forward Motion
I mentioned above that some progress has been made. This progress comes in the form of learning how to use the Virtual Linux. Within the Virtual Linux, I have to use the Terminal application that I talked about in Week 1 in order to do many things.
One of the programs I'm using on the Linux is called QView. Don't ask me what the Q stands for... Within this program I can manipulate different pairs of images (if qview displays more than two images, it moves unbearably slowly). Here's an example:
I'm supposed to be able to pick match points between the images by hand using this program, but for now, all I've encountered is frustration. As I said before, it's not exactly intuitive. Until my advisor returns from his travels and is able to rescue me from the land of research project limbo, this will remain the state of my project.
Until next time!